Dog in Animated Billboard Wants to Follow You Home

I minored in marketing back in college and love the science of advertising. However I’m guilty of thumbing past printed ads and fast forwarding through commercials on my DVR (unless I catch Jake from State Farm). However the Battersea Dogs & Cat Home in the UK has a series of interactive billboards that would have me…

This is the Greatest Google Gag Ever! Pac-Man Maps!

Giving us April Fool’s one day early, Google has turned the world into Pac-Man’s personal playground. Go to and down in the lower left you’ll see an “Earth” view and now a new “Pac-Man” view Click it, and your city (or wherever you happen to be browsing) now becomes the worlds largest Pac-Man maze! Good…

The SHIELD Helicarrier is Real…

…ly a remote control drone built by the modelers of Flite Test. I had a tiny Air Hogs remote control helicopter and couldn’t get it to stay in the air more than three seconds without crashing into the wall, the ceiling, my dog, etc. These guys have built a flying helicarrier and can launch and…

It’s a Unix System! I Know This!

Ok, it’s not Unix, but it is a faithful reproduction of the Jurassic Park computer system reprogrammed by Newman! Now at  Jurassic Systems you can pretend to be Samuel Jackson, demand everyone hold their butts firmly, and try to break through Nedry’s security (hint: you won’t, even with the magic word). (via Gizmodo)

GLaDOS Gets Work With NASA

When the scientists at NASA want to teach people the difference between fusion and fission, who else would they call on than GLaDOS her own evil self! Ellen McClain reprises her Portal role in this NASA produced video to draw attention to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education (via The Mary Sue)

What Word Was Born The Same Year As You?

Want to feel really old? The Oxford English Dictionary has an app that lets you select your birth year (from 1900 to 2004) and see a word that originated in that same year. Or if you subscribe to the site, you can narrow it down to your birth date. Comment below and tell us your…

Amazon to Deliver in 30 Minutes with Air Drones

Is it April Fools Day already? Amazon has announced on their website that their next venture will be to deliver small packages to your doorstep in 30 minutes via remote controlled helicopter drones. This so-called Amazon Prime Air is proposed to go live in 2015 with improved tech and hopeful FAA approval. We’ll believe it…


What kind of Time Lord doesn’t always know what time it is? The geek in your life (ie. HG and SG) will no doubt love this Doctor Who watch complete with revolving TARDIS and sonic screwdriver hands. Nothing in the specifications on whether or not this watch will hold your Time Lord essence for you while you hide…

Wii U Release Date and Price Revealed

Newsarama sat in on the Nintendo press conference this morning where COO Reggie Fils-Aime gave the scoop on when we can expect to see the Nintendo Wii U in the states and how much we can expect to shell out of the first of the “next generation” (if the Wii U can really be called that) consoles.…